Help a sister out…

Summer is upon us and so there is a season (10 weeks to be precise)…in which we don’t have to routinely wake children up at the crack of dawn, I have so much time in the morning I am frequently “almost late” to work and the pace overall is just more relaxed.  I love it.

This summer has begun with our 11 year-old beginning her orthodontic treatment…beginning with the Herbst appliance.

imgresLet’s just say, yesterday was a little miserable for her.  I made more smoothies and shakes in a day than I normally do all month.  She’s a trooper though, and we are quite stocked up on Tylenol!

Next week, our almost-10 year old will have her tonsils out.  (If you have any pointers here, comment away, I’m alllllll ears).  She’s had strep a ridic amount of times and we are ALL looking forward to getting these out.  Not so much on the 2 week recovery period!  WHAT?!?!??!?

Which brings me to this:  next week, post-op, I’ll be home with the girl and have some free time on my hands.  Hoping my camera will be back so I can play with some tutorials, or maybe re-design my blog or maybe read a book….wide open.  What are YOUR suggestions…do tell….and NOW…..I must get my rear in gear or I’ll be later for work!!!!

8 thoughts on “Help a sister out…

  1. kalamitykelli

    A spiffed up new look for the blog is a great way to spend a little time. When I re-did mine I felt like I had painted and rearranged an entire room! Thinking of redoing again myself!


    1. tracye1 Post author

      I’m waiting for “inspiration and motivation”, each time I start, I’m like “sooooooo much work……”. whine, whine, whine…LOL!


  2. pamasaurus

    Oh no! Hopefully healing goes quickly. I almost had my tonsils out for the same reason. One year, I had strep 6 times. No fun at all 😦

    I’d spend some time with a great book, some coffee, and my camera if I got the chance. That’s what I vote for!



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