Tag Archives: health

The “L” word…or a day off the hard way

This morning our youngest daughter came to me JUUUUUUUUUUST as we were getting ready to load up the bus for school and said, “Mom, my head’s itchy, can you look at it?”  ugh.  dread.  despair.  fingers crossed.  holding breath.  I poked, prodded and separated hair and just as I thought she was free and clear (aside from a super angry red neck), I saw it.  a nit.  ARGGHGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHG.  Sure enough, separated a few more strands and a couple more.  No school for you, my pet.


Are you itching yet?

Texted my my co-worker and boss that my presence was TBD, dropped the other kids (nit free) off at their respective schools and was Wal-mart bound for the RID products.  Not awkward at all at checkout.  Nope.  Not.  at.  all.

Thankfully, the Hubs was working from home today and was able to get the beds stripped and laundry started.  Lo, you never saw so much linen, pillows and regular dirty laundry (while we’re at it) in  yo life!!!  Seriously.

Sprayed EVERY last item of furniture in the house with the spray, toxic I am sure, but you know if I had a blow torch that would have been fine, too.  Sometimes you just have to work with what you have.  Spray it is.

Got the little one doused down in leav- in shampoo for 10 minutes and went ahead and did myself, too…because just say the word and I itch.  I did lay down with her last night after her performance.  On her pillow.  So yeah…lather me yesterday.

We rinsed and gel producted up and began the process.  Now, if you’ve never had the absolute luxury of picking nits from hair, I’m here with your PSA, a  few pics for reference and to tell you….settle in….it’s not a quick ride and it purely sucks.  Just ask my mom, she helped me with this the last time, about 10 years ago.  Wasn’t any fun then either.

Nit picking.  Tiny.  Tedious.  Frustrating little effers.  Good times.  After about 30-40 minutes, several nits, and TWO, TWO!!!!!!!  Live louse.  EWWWWWW!!!!  We re-applied, set the timer, applied gel and began the process.  Again.  No more louse, a handful of nits.  Much better.  (and I’ve checked and re-checked several more times today, finally down to ZERO!)

And lastly, because I didn’t want to be doing laundry until Saturday, the little diva and I hit the local laundromat for the pillows and comforters………AFTER hitting the bank for some quarters.  You know what?  WHO can afford a laundromat???  3 washers and 3 dryers and about an hour and $30 later, we were out of there.  Finished the rest of the basic laundry at home at about 6:30 p.m.  Like I said, it sucks.  So consider this your PSA just in case you ever are in this predicament…..

Here’s a few photos, because you never know what you might need to know what you are looking for.

You’re welcome.

I’m going to bed.


When you are looking for these (see arrow)

and you have to wade through lots of this lovely hair....

and you have to wade through lots of this lovely hair….

you can see how they really stand out, super easy to find and all

you can see how they really stand out, super easy to find and all, kind of silvery.  ish.  

you pretty much want to throw your whole house in here.  on Caliente to wash and super heat to dry.

you pretty much want to throw your whole house in here. on Caliente to wash and super heat to dry.

TGIF!!!! Linking it!!

Bringing it to the 7 QTs with Jennifer Fulweiler and crew….Must be FRIDAY!!!

  1. This week the kids went back to school after Spring Break….can I get a WAHOOOOOO!!⁄?!?!??!?!????  Fine, I’ll give myself one…WAHOO!!!!!  Actually, I’m glad for them to get a little break in the schedule, but I didn’t take any time off so it was a little boring for them, the weather wasn’t all that fantastic, so I’m happy we are all back on schedule and the weather is FINALLY springing up.  Longest winter ever, right?  Even here in Central Florida…gray skies for months.  Boo hoo…I’m certain several people have just clicked away after that comment.  You can always come visit and escape the snow….come on!!
  2. Speaking of people escaping the cold….my mom is here!  She lives in Pennsylvania and has been enjoying the fantastic weather all week!  Of course, she had a rocky start with bad weather  through the southeast mid-trip and was delayed a night in Charlotte, however, she’s been running to and fro catching up with my grandparents, us, and a lot of her friends all week.  We’ve loved visiting and I know she has, too….but man, oh man….it gets exhausting running around visiting, doesn’t it???  Today she and I get lunch together and I am looking forward to our one-on-one!!
  3. I made it back to the gym AT LUNCH this week and I am still sore.  It WAS great to get in a good workout and not be up at the crack of dawn.  This weekend I may have the Hubs get in the pool with me and give me some pointers and add some swimming in on lunch, because it IS getting lovely out!  Although I don’t think I can give up my 5 a.m. spin class which is TORTURE getting up for….but oh, so worth it!!!
  4. This week saw several Paleo-based meals at our dinner table and with the weather changing, I feel I may be emerging from winter time hibernation and almooooooooooost ready to plan and cook ahead our healthy meals and snacks for the week.  The planning and prepping ahead is THE hardest thing for me to consistently stick with and it is also the thing that makes the biggest difference in sticking to a healthy routine or not.  Taking it all one day at a time, and remembering daily that summer’s coming and my bathing suit is waiting.  Motivation?  Um, yes.
  5. Our Yukon needed an oil change this week and it only cost us $465.  Occasionally, when your truck has almost 200,000 miles on its 12-year-old self, service is required.  Painful?  Always.  Grateful for a solid and well-maintained vehicle?  Yup.
  6. Some interesting opportunities are turning up for me in the work arena.  BIG changes and I have been crazy conflicted and praying up a storm.  Must be working because so far, I’m OK with whatever happens.  Of course, I’m not actually at a point where I am making a choice yet; interesting how things present themselves sometimes though.  “Jesus, I trust in You”…..my prayer and my mantra.
  7. Wrapping it up as I bring the first shortie to school #1 and get ready to own this Friday.  Y’all have a great weekend and don’t forget to check back Monday for the Photo Link Up…if all goes well, I’ll have it figured out by then.  How hard can it be, right?  famous last words!!

Spring Breakin’

Spring Break here and I heard through the weather channel grapevine that some unfortunate people north of us are getting MORE of the white stuff.  Absolutely incomprehensible in my balmy world.  And fascinating.  Nonetheless, we ARE getting cooler temps and rain (all day today, allegedly) in the 60s, so Brrr.  Glad I kept on the flannels a little longer!

For me spring break is a break from getting the kids rolling in the mornings and I have a contest with myself every morning of how much I can get done before I get to work, or just lollygag on the computer…BECAUSE I CAN.  Going to cut it close today.  REALLLLL close!  Alas, work calls. Got to feed these kids.

I did take the morning off on the first day of Spring Break to enjoy the County Fitness Festival of which our youngest participated in 3 events:  50-yard dash, shuttle run and 440 Relay.  It was a GLORIOUS morning to take off so I’ll share the pics with you.  Enjoy and stay warm, people.

Our girl and a few of her buddies pre-festivities!

Our girl and a few of her buddies pre-festivities!





I lugged these things and out of 3 hours, they saw about 30 minutes of use.  #bettertohaveandnotneed

I lugged these things and out of 3 hours, they saw about 30 minutes of use. #bettertohaveandnotneed

50 yard dash

50 yard dash

Shuttle run...I'm always holding my breath there is no split action on the turn around.

Shuttle run…I’m always holding my breath there is no split action on the turn around.

Relay.  NO baton dropping for the 5th place out of 17 finish!

Relay. NO baton dropping for the 5th place out of 17 finish!

Feeling so crunchy and granola right now


It all started HERE on this Facebook post….

This week I saw the above post on Facebook on a friend’s page.  Intrigued by the title, I checked it out..b/c I have never heard of Oil Pulling and it looked gross and fascinating.    So, I was all in.  Curious though, have YOU ever heard of this?

Apparently, its age-old and a natural detox.  The added benefit of whiter teeth….I figured I’d give it a try since we actually have coconut oil in the house (although you can use other oils, too).  Here’s how it went down:

Round 1.  I took a teaspoon of coconut oil and put it straight into my mouth and began to swish.  Aaaaaaand immediately gag.  And spit.  Most disgusting texture of goo EVER.  Seriously.  Just beyond describing.  I was bummed.  

Round 2.  Right?  After that who in the he** is going for round 2?????  Me.  That’s who.  Dog with a bone.  I remembered that the article said you could melt the oil for a few seconds and do it that way.  So.  I melted it.  10 seconds.  Stir.  A few more seconds.  Voila.  Liquid.  After testing the warmth factor, I teaspooned it in and swished.  Set the timer for 20 minutes.  And swished**.  Warm.  Ooey.  A little gooey.  But not terrible.  My lips were super shiny, though.  

**Prior to swishing, I informed the kids of what I’d be doing.  Naturally, I pick the time to do this during the morning get-ready-for-school/work-time.  Needless to say, there were a hundred and one questions WHILE I was swishing and so the whiteboard became quite handy.  And charades.  

The second day went a little smoother.  With only one kiddo up and both of us knowing what was going on, I STILL had to use the whiteboard , but it seemed to go quicker.  Ish.  That girl can TALK!!!!!!

Day 3.  No one awake.  Hubby gone for an early meeting.  NO whiteboard needed.  I did some online banking and next thing you know the timer went off.

A few days of personal research here for you, but I’ll keep you posted as it goes along.  A few things and many links for you to consider:

  • “They” say to do it first thing in the a.m.   Mostly for ease of remembering and actually getting it in before the day takes over.
  • Don’t spit it in the sink.  It’s oil.  Spit it in the garbage.  Or pay the piper.  Or plumber.
  • Don’t swallow.  It’s full of bacteria from your mouth. LIVE bacteria.  Ew.  Just.  Ew.  Brush your chompers afterward.  
  • Appears to be safe for pregnant and nursing moms as a natural detox method, however, I say check with your OB and go with your gut.  However…….common sense tells me if you use mouthwash during these times and it’s not a problem…………..that’s just me thinking.
  • Dental crowns.  There are some cases that say the oil weakens the cement on the crowns and can cause them to chip or come out, so if that’s your lot you might want to reconsider.  That’s a lot of cha-ching to mess with.
  • There MAY be some side effects of detoxing, as for me, so far, just a little upset tummy but I’ve also been eating lots of veggies this week, so I’m taking it with a grain of salt.  

A few links for your own perusing, because if other people have done books and talks and all the legwork, you should read them not my parroting…this is mainly MY experience thus far.  

That’s plenty to get you started, there’s a bajillion more out there on the webz.  Do.  Or do not.  

Happy Weekending!!


Finally Friday

Home stretch!  Friday is my FAVORITE day of the week.  Yes, I do have to work, but the light…the LIGHT is so very, very BRIGHT at the end of the tunnel!

Still blogging for the 7 days with the Conversion Diary and friends!!  Woot, woot!  In honor of blogging 7 days, here’s 7 Quick Takes from the week!

1.  Blogging every day is HARD!!!!  Even Jen had a fail day.  Perhaps a fail at ONE missed blog day, but reading her post on her “Day in the Life” made me remember just how hard those years are with littles and I honestly don’t know how you young Mamas blog at all!!

2.  Blogging every day is QUICK!  If I want to do it, I have to sit down and get to it or it’s not going to happen.  Good thing?  Bad thing?  Either way, it’s a blog post.

3.  Blogging every day is helping me to re-prioritize my daily activities and prepping for Lent.  Truly.  I am seeing where and WHEN I can be more productive in certain areas and that is oh-so-helpful in making me a wee bit more organized!  Which I love.

4.  On to other topics…because I need to be quick here!

5.  Last week I shopped CASH ONLY.  Saved about $50.  I’m doing it again.  It’s a little scary, but truly empowering!

6.  Lent is coming and I scheduled my annual physical right in the middle of it.  Perfect time to add eating simply to my goal of keeping Lent simple, eh?  Because who doesn’t get a little motivation from the thought of stepping on the scale for an annual review?  Who?

7.  It’s Friday.  EVERY.  ONE.  OF.  THE.  KIDS.  WILL.  BE.  OUT.  OF.  THE.  HOUSE. TONIGHT.  ALLATONCE!!  You know what that means, right?????  Yesssss, we are catching up on the last two Downton Abbeys!!!  Although we may save the finale and savor it.  Gotta say, I still love Downton, but truly not the most exciting season….nonetheless, I will be having withdrawals and ready for next season!!

Happy Friday, y’all and make it on over to Conversion Diary for other better blogging spectaculars!
