Tag Archives: blogging

May 2 or #TGIF or #7QT

Happy Friday and welcome to my 2nd day of blogging for the Mayhem blogging challenge (feel free to join in at anytime!).  Today I link up with Jen at Conversion Diary who has had a crazy busy week with the release of her book (link here to buy)——-> Something Other than God (#SOTG) and the start of her book tour and all that.  AND she’s got a fun contest along with the release and I’m all in for freezies so……yeah, let’s just call that #1 on my 7 Quick Takes, mmmK?

2.  I haven’t actually read #SOTG yet, in all honesty, HOWEVER…..it is Jen’s fault because she recommended Melanie Shankle’s book The Antelope in the Living Room and seriously???  HILARIOUS.  SERIOUSLY.  I think we could be great friends irl.  really.  Anyhooo….I’m trying to break my habit of reading 5 books at once and so, I’ll finish Melanie’s and then move on to Jen…so no spoilers!!!  thanks.

3.  My beloved Macbook took a protein smoothie bath this week.  Don’t even ask.  It is on hospice.  I’m now blogging from our PC desktop.  Bummer timing with this whole blog a day in May deal.  Thank goodness it’s the weekend!!

4.  My workout this week has been BOOM!!!  Spinning twice and swimming thrice.  My knee is a little swollen but in all fairness, I walked the bridge last weekend and it started then.  Coincidence?  meh.  Just keep moving.  I must say….I think I love swimming.  Crazy, huh?

5.  Our girls are both off to a weekend of Girl Scout camping.  They are our youngest 2 and I’m excited for them.  Going to be weird though.  And quiet.  Gloriously.  Quiet.

6.  I am a procrastinator and still need to chop a watermelon for one of our girls to take with her troop.  All the other troop food is chopped, separated and bagged so, down to one measly watermelon is pretty good as far as I’m concerned.

7.  Next month is our 20th wedding anniversary.  We’re going to renew our vows.  In front of the whole church during Mass.  My heart palpates faster just typing that.  So pray for me, OK?  oh, and pray I don’t go off on a tangent and make this like a Wedding #2!!!!  Although, I’m pretty sure the Hubs will keep me in check on that one.

Off to chop a watermelon and get a kid to school!

Have a super weekend!!!


May Day. Mayhem. Ahem..

May 1st and thus begins my annual self-imposed blogging challenge of :409e7f6b1e515e5ea07618804fe2b41a



Join in if you will, include your blog and post in the combox!

As for me…..it’s my birthday month!  Woop woop!  Double digits, baby.  Double digits.

Apparently, my first birthday present is on its way (I have some very Type A friends…whom I love DEARLY).


Aaaaaaaaand our girls are headed for a Girl Scout Camping weekend this weekend, so with only 2 teenage boys in the house it’s like we’re practically empty-nesters.  I see DATE NIGHT SQUARED in our future. Not a bad way to start off the month, eh?

I don’t want to set the bar too high for May blogging here on my first day in; it’s a marathon, not a sprint!  Besides, I can’t  use all my material for my Friday when I join in with Jen and her crew, in the meantime…..y’all be sure to check out her new BOOK!!!  (It’s on my Kindle and as soon as I finish with the Antelope in the Living Room—-hilarious, BTW….I’m in #SOTG).1CzXHkYo7i546xIkVIr2W9-wNjLD2euLWG4Co70vlDw


Friday and feeling fine

Linking it up with Jen and the QT crew this fine Friday for a weekly recap of what’s going down in our neck of the woods.

  1. I pre-ordered Jen’s book and in the meantime needed another book to read and remembered Simcha Fisher’s book, The Sinner’s guide to Natural Family Planningand so I’ve been reading it this week and holy, moley.  That’s some FUNNY stuff.  If you want a “keepin’ in real” look at NFP…this is it.  Don’t expect it to walk you through the how-tos, but it will help you make it through the tougher spots in the reality of NFP and an honest, hilarious look  at NFP as a whole.  Completely enjoying it!!
  2. I ran out of my eye makeup remover and had to use some other stuff….awful….forgot JUST how awful until my regular stuff arrived yesterday.  Oh,Arbonne….I love you.  AND a new lipcolor….which I love!!  So winning, winning, winning!!!!  (if you need and Arbonne hook up, I’ll set you up with myBFF)….

    note to self:  do NOT run out of this again!!

    note to self: do NOT run out of this again!!

  3. We have some home improvements going on:  new toilets…..wahoo.  This was our “facility” reality last night for a brief time.  Ugh.  It was, blessedly, short-lived and this morning we have the plumber coming to put in trickier toilet and then we shall be back up to full speed with TWO working toilets!!  Life is good, people.nf12T5Ixc39UJIm93XBNaX5DP387FgCKlrCDDzWRRCA
  4. A few domestic projects as well:  I made a pillow from some fabric a neighbor was pawning off and the girls and I have been toying with embroidery.  I started off with something ridiculously hard and will likely put aside, but the girls are just winging it and playing with stitches and getting used to the needle and thread.  Fun.

    Gotta love this!

    Gotta love this!

  5. We met friends for pizza the other night while they were in town.  They have 3 littles and man, how you forget the energy level….it was fun though and the pizza—–delicious and HUGE!!!!
    Holding two little boys at bay had the big boy laughing!

    Holding two little boys at bay had the big boy laughing!

    Having two littles as foot weights had the big girl giggling.

    Having two littles as foot weights had the big girl giggling.

  6. Spring is here and I snapped this lovely, first orange blossom of the season the other day….HALLELUJAH!!

    Ah, spring and the smell of orange blossoms in the air!!

    Ah, spring and the smell of orange blossoms in the air!!

  7. Don’t forget you can still link up your “Day in the life, in photos” with me HERE.  (I’m excited I was able to actually figure out how to do a link….long a curiosity of mine…..a few people actually joined….and I think I set it up for a month or something, so yay!).

Happy Weekeend to you all!!




A link up…in photo style!

I got a wild hair yesterday and decided to host a link up.  Which I’ve never done before, but how hard can it be?  Right?

So here’s the theme:  A DAY IN THE LIFE….IN PICTURES!  Because a picture speaks a thousand words…photo fun!

  • Pick a day.  ANY day.  However, it should be a pretty average day for an average look at your life, HOWEVER, if you choose to pictorialize (yes, it is a word…I looked it up!)  your 5 year-olds EPIC birthday party…go right on ahead…no judgment zone.
  • Try and get as close to these “times” as possible:   Waking up. Bring your best bed head and all.          Breakfast (yours or your family’s).             Mid day.  How you hanging so far??             Lunch.  What’s on the plate?         Mid-afternoon.  The crazy zone for a lot of you!             Dinner.  All together ?  In the car?  Out?  Inquiring minds and all.            Mid evening.  Winding down people!!!              Bed time.  Success.  Lived to tell the tale of another day!  Woot woot!!             More or less. No fast rules.
  • I’ll throw the link up on Monday, so you have 4 days to get your photos together.

You know the rest, link your blog, yada, yada, yada.

Fun way to find new blogs and get a glimpse of life all over.

I’ll TRY and link up with Jen on Friday, but for sure I’ll see you back here on MONDAY to link it up!  (plus that gives me a few days to hopefully figure it out!)

Peace out, y’all!

Finally Friday

Home stretch!  Friday is my FAVORITE day of the week.  Yes, I do have to work, but the light…the LIGHT is so very, very BRIGHT at the end of the tunnel!

Still blogging for the 7 days with the Conversion Diary and friends!!  Woot, woot!  In honor of blogging 7 days, here’s 7 Quick Takes from the week!

1.  Blogging every day is HARD!!!!  Even Jen had a fail day.  Perhaps a fail at ONE missed blog day, but reading her post on her “Day in the Life” made me remember just how hard those years are with littles and I honestly don’t know how you young Mamas blog at all!!

2.  Blogging every day is QUICK!  If I want to do it, I have to sit down and get to it or it’s not going to happen.  Good thing?  Bad thing?  Either way, it’s a blog post.

3.  Blogging every day is helping me to re-prioritize my daily activities and prepping for Lent.  Truly.  I am seeing where and WHEN I can be more productive in certain areas and that is oh-so-helpful in making me a wee bit more organized!  Which I love.

4.  On to other topics…because I need to be quick here!

5.  Last week I shopped CASH ONLY.  Saved about $50.  I’m doing it again.  It’s a little scary, but truly empowering!

6.  Lent is coming and I scheduled my annual physical right in the middle of it.  Perfect time to add eating simply to my goal of keeping Lent simple, eh?  Because who doesn’t get a little motivation from the thought of stepping on the scale for an annual review?  Who?

7.  It’s Friday.  EVERY.  ONE.  OF.  THE.  KIDS.  WILL.  BE.  OUT.  OF.  THE.  HOUSE. TONIGHT.  ALLATONCE!!  You know what that means, right?????  Yesssss, we are catching up on the last two Downton Abbeys!!!  Although we may save the finale and savor it.  Gotta say, I still love Downton, but truly not the most exciting season….nonetheless, I will be having withdrawals and ready for next season!!

Happy Friday, y’all and make it on over to Conversion Diary for other better blogging spectaculars!
