Tag Archives: kids

Beauty and the judge

At a football game for my daughter’s cheer squad I saw a young girl (maybe a mom, not sure) with the tiniest of tank tops (barely covering the important parts) and the shortest of shorts in white.  She sat with the football players.  I sat with my jaw to the ground.

At the produce store, a young girl in a barely there t-shirt and bikini bottoms prancing around.

At an interview and struggling to maintain eye contact as cleavage joins in the interview process. 

I have a confession to make.   I am incredibly judgemental.  I try not to be, but truth be told; I judge.  Hard.  It’s a struggle.  Sometimes, it’s because I care enough to point out the obvious, i.e. shorts too short/tight/ripped, etc.  Sometimes it’s within the limits of my own children and setting boundaries and sometimes I turn the ugly, judgemental eye….think along the lines of “What not to wear”.  The irony of it all, is I am no fashion maven and have had enough “what not to wear” moments that Stacey and Clinton should be here yesterday with their $5000 and help a sister out. But.  It’s not the fashion mishaps that concern me (mostly, I find THOSE highly entertaining and educational) it’s the blatant sexism in fashion and the lowering of the moral bar in what should be deemed acceptable. Starting in the toddler section and it doesn’t stop there.

Our girls have been blessed some truly awesome hand-me-downs in the past, however, a large portion of those clothes just kept on going out the door to the thrift store due to inappropriateness.  I mean, do we REALLY need to see ass-crease with every pair of shorts???  We’ve had several talks.  Together. One on one.  At the table.  In the car.  In the stores.  They know exactly where Dad and I stand in what’s allowable (basically school dress code=family dress codes for most things…but not flip-flops, I mean, c’mon…we live in Florida!).  For the most part, they abide by the rules.  In truth, they do each own a pair or two of hootchie shorts, however, they are mainly for the house or sleeping in.  Sometimes, they make it out though.  The point is, we and they are trying and trying hard.

Most importantly, I think they are receiving the message of modesty and the importance of what you wear and the message it sends.  Incredibly difficult is short shopping, dress shopping and back to school shopping (which sadly is upon us).  Challenging also in peer circles and learning to stand your ground and making your parent’s message yours.

Such a tough battle and a constant fight in staying modest.  We can’t advertise sex 24/7 from age toddler up and expect no problems.  Yes, I know that what you wear should be what you want to, but this is life and life isn’t fair.

So I judge.  And I use those judgements as teachable moments.  Mostly.  For the other times, well…..I’m working on that and I have this handy-dandy Matthew to keep me company.

Matthew 7: 1-3  (NASB)

7 “Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and [a]by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Matthew 7:1-5 (The Message)

1-5 “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.

**Bible verses from the Bible Gateway

And then…this video making ALL the noise.  And it really fits in.  With the immodest dressing.  Overmakeup.  Trying too hard.  I shared it with my girls and I want to work harder by leading by example, otherwise it’s just words, right?  So, thank you, Colbie!!



Completely and totally M.I.A.

When your son feeds your Macbook a chocolate protein smoothie it turns out it’s not so good for the laptop.  or the chair.  or the carpet.  but the wall cleans up nicely.   I’ve not yet purchased another laptop, although Hubby has offered up his for the evenings and/or weekends.  Until now, I’ve not taken him up on it mainly because my blogging urge doesn’t always hit during those times and the desktop has been working fine for my computer needs.  ish.  I can pay bills. Print documents.  Upload pics.  Blog occasionally.  But…..it’s just.  meh.  Not so great for blogging.  I can’t get cozy on that damn exercise ball or desk chair like I can in my big comfy chair.  My phone suffices for my Facebook stalking and Insta fixes, but I’ve never, EVER, EVER really EVER loved typing/texting on the phone.  Don’t get me wrong.  I do.  But.  So. Tiny.  Therefore, I get lazy and keep it to the bare minimum necessary.

Short story long, I think I might actually be ready for a laptop again.  Of my own.  The budget doesn’t support another Macbook.  So I’m tossing around the idea of a tablet versus a laptop.  Mainly for pics, blogs and surfing.  Down the road, maybe some “Word” business, but pretty basic.  Then maybe I’ll get back to blogging.  A little bit.

So, bloggers….and anyone else interested….what do you use??

Now….I think Imma gonna pre-blog.  Or catch up on twitter.  Or Bloglovin’.   So many choices!!!

The birthday that lasted a Week!

Our  youngest turned 11 last week, however, her birthday had the misfortune to fall during a tremendously hectic weekend and so we dragged out a few celebrations in order to celebrate a joyous day, as every birthday should, and to also celebrate with the family in entirety.

  • On her actual birthday, we celebrated in the morning with a giant cinnamon bun from Publix for breakfast and opening of cards and gifts.
  • The next day at Mass we celebrated with a hoot and holler (thanks, Dad!) after Mass during visitor/birthday and anniversary announcements and hot dogs and pool time for Father’s Day at Popop’s
  • Monday, we celebrated with the annual birthday dinner of choice (Chinese takee outee) and family birthday cake (made by joint effort of big brother and sis–Red Velvet delicious!)
    what's not to love about this?  #framer

    what’s not to love about this? #framer


  • This weekend we finished up with a Mystery birthday Party (gotta love Dramatic Fanatic) and friends….with the men of the house vacating for the afternoon.
    Detective/Suspect Interviews...Who done it??

    Detective/Suspect Interviews…Who done it??

    The final table...thank YOU Pinterest..camp fire flames and s'mores chex mix for the win!

    The final table…thank YOU Pinterest..camp fire flames and s’mores chex mix for the win!

‘Twas a good day that the girls both had a Girl Scout event at the local water park after Mass for a relatively peaceful afternoon .

No complaints, yo!

The “L” word…or a day off the hard way

This morning our youngest daughter came to me JUUUUUUUUUUST as we were getting ready to load up the bus for school and said, “Mom, my head’s itchy, can you look at it?”  ugh.  dread.  despair.  fingers crossed.  holding breath.  I poked, prodded and separated hair and just as I thought she was free and clear (aside from a super angry red neck), I saw it.  a nit.  ARGGHGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHG.  Sure enough, separated a few more strands and a couple more.  No school for you, my pet.


Are you itching yet?

Texted my my co-worker and boss that my presence was TBD, dropped the other kids (nit free) off at their respective schools and was Wal-mart bound for the RID products.  Not awkward at all at checkout.  Nope.  Not.  at.  all.

Thankfully, the Hubs was working from home today and was able to get the beds stripped and laundry started.  Lo, you never saw so much linen, pillows and regular dirty laundry (while we’re at it) in  yo life!!!  Seriously.

Sprayed EVERY last item of furniture in the house with the spray, toxic I am sure, but you know if I had a blow torch that would have been fine, too.  Sometimes you just have to work with what you have.  Spray it is.

Got the little one doused down in leav- in shampoo for 10 minutes and went ahead and did myself, too…because just say the word and I itch.  I did lay down with her last night after her performance.  On her pillow.  So yeah…lather me yesterday.

We rinsed and gel producted up and began the process.  Now, if you’ve never had the absolute luxury of picking nits from hair, I’m here with your PSA, a  few pics for reference and to tell you….settle in….it’s not a quick ride and it purely sucks.  Just ask my mom, she helped me with this the last time, about 10 years ago.  Wasn’t any fun then either.

Nit picking.  Tiny.  Tedious.  Frustrating little effers.  Good times.  After about 30-40 minutes, several nits, and TWO, TWO!!!!!!!  Live louse.  EWWWWWW!!!!  We re-applied, set the timer, applied gel and began the process.  Again.  No more louse, a handful of nits.  Much better.  (and I’ve checked and re-checked several more times today, finally down to ZERO!)

And lastly, because I didn’t want to be doing laundry until Saturday, the little diva and I hit the local laundromat for the pillows and comforters………AFTER hitting the bank for some quarters.  You know what?  WHO can afford a laundromat???  3 washers and 3 dryers and about an hour and $30 later, we were out of there.  Finished the rest of the basic laundry at home at about 6:30 p.m.  Like I said, it sucks.  So consider this your PSA just in case you ever are in this predicament…..

Here’s a few photos, because you never know what you might need to know what you are looking for.

You’re welcome.

I’m going to bed.


When you are looking for these (see arrow)

and you have to wade through lots of this lovely hair....

and you have to wade through lots of this lovely hair….

you can see how they really stand out, super easy to find and all

you can see how they really stand out, super easy to find and all, kind of silvery.  ish.  

you pretty much want to throw your whole house in here.  on Caliente to wash and super heat to dry.

you pretty much want to throw your whole house in here. on Caliente to wash and super heat to dry.

School situations and changes..

Homeschool? Private? Suck it up at sucky public school?  All options we will be likely weighing over the next few weeks or months.  I know, “Do not worry about tomorrow….”.  Got it.  BUT…..what’s the difference between worry and pre-planning?  There is a good chance that due to a house sale our kids will lose the address that keeps them all in schools we have been happy and lucky with.  Except for our rising 9th grader who will keep his school due to the academy  he is in next year.

So our choices are:

  • suck it up for the schools we will be zoned for.  even though the middle school is NUMBERO UNO on the “Top 25 Incidents” in our area and the ONLY one with gang related activity (reported anyway).
  • find the funds for private.  right.  let me run out and check the garden to see if that lettuce is growing some Benjamins.
  • homeschool.  at this level.  I don’t even know if I’m capable.

So.  Just pray.  Chime in if you got some ideas.  I’m allllllllllll ears!