Tag Archives: weight loss

A conundrum of sorts…

Holy cow, y’all it’s almost February!!!  Where in the HECK did January go???  This month, for us, has had our dance card filled EVERY weekend this month and while it certainly keeps us busy, I am a person who needs some downtime.  After a month of go-go-go, we are happy January is almost gone-gone-gone.

Don’t get me wrong, we had a great time:  All-state concert, Savannah visit with my mom and her Hubby, All-county concert #1 (followed by #2 concert AND LAST this weekend).  All good stuff.  I just need to decompress on the weekends at some point and there’s been very little of that.  The other problem all this busy-ness brings is the whole “physical health” resolutions has taken a back seat with the extra running around.

The interesting thing, and here is the conundrum, is that while I haven’t been wholly UNHEALTHY, I’ve not focused ONE BIT on exercise (got it in when I could or managed to get out of bed in the morning chilliness), nor have I focused on my food (although I’ve stuck to my mostly normal eating habits).  Yesterday, I wanted to brace myself for moving back into regular and scheduled exercise AND food-journaling with our 16 year-old and guess what?  Down 4 pounds.  You’ve got to be kidding me.

No worries though, now that I’ve typed it and am moving back into focus on health, I’ll be right back up….but hopefully not.

Isn’t life crazy like that?

7QTs, Blog Challenge version


It’s Friday people and not ONLY is it my FAVORITE day of the week….seriously….favorite!!!  It’s also 7Quick Takes link up with JEN ANNNNNNNNND day 5 of the blog for 7 days challenge with JEN.  It’s been a good week of blogging, I mean hey, my daily views are up to at least 20 average everyday….don’t hate….it’s also forcing me to sit down and blog…short and sweet or not, the point is to blog!  Here’s my weekly wrapup:

  1. Leaving in a few minutes to get my workout on.  My rear end is still sore from Wednesday so hoping for limited lunges and squats.  **update:  watch what you wish for, we used the TRX and hit the WHOLE bod, especially arms.  My forearms are dead…typing will be a problem today.  OY.  
  2. Family rosary last night.  Perfect?  Nay.  Not even close.  Improvement?  Vast.  Continue?  But of course!!
  3. Hubs and our youngest boy are planning on kayaking this evening.  Hoping the afternoon thunderstorms cooperate and allow this quality time activity/male bonding time.
  4. Oldest boy and myself are heading on a little road trip to our old town tomorrow for a surprise birthday party for my dear friend’s 16-year-old son.  I’ve promised him driving time ON THE INTERSTATE, Starbucks, a trip to the Vans store for school shoes and Old Navy to finish up his school shopping for pants.  After all, he IS giving up 2 WHOLE  days of skateboarding…..
  5. I napped before dinner yesterday.  30 minutes.  Rest/nap.  GLORIOUS.  Can’t even tell you the difference it made in my evening.  Uninterrupted recharging after a day at work before starting evening activities  Highly recommend it!
  6. Started re-logging my food for the day.  <smh> the hardest thing about me eating healthy and exercising is the diet portion.  Not BEING on a diet…just PLANNING the meals and LOGGING the intake.  When I am consistent in these things, along with my exercise….success.  Why?  Is?  It?  So?  Hard?????  **on the upside, one of my friends from the gym has been my tracking accountability partner and is down 5 pounds….now my competitive juices are flowing!!
  7. Finished up my 5th Ginger Garrett book in 3 weeks and started Mere Christianity last night.  This should have been linked to Cari and Jessica for “What we are reading Wednesdays” but….better late than never?!

Have a great weekend.  I’m off to sweat!!  Now to shower and get the ball rolling for FRIDAY!!!  Happy Weekend and keep those blogs rolling!

Every day in May…mostly in May…whatever.

Before I get sidetracked…..Mental Awareness Month….click HERE and “plant a seed” and my friend’s company is donating up to $10,000 toward Children’s mental health network.  Let’s do SOMETHING!!!!  Ok, stepping off soapbox!

Why do I force upon myself these ridiculous little goals that make me no money, cost me time and force me to sit down and put together some coherent thoughts???  Oh, I actually enjoy writing, sometimes have something to say worth reading about or laughing about and it gets me in a good habit because writing is actually my happy place.  That and a piece of cheesecake…..

So, I missed yesterday but I was in a super crappy mood (sorry, but if the shoe fits…), couldn’t put my finger on WHY I was in such a foul mood and went to bed at 8:30.  I woke up refreshed and in a much better mood.  Still not fully sure of what happened but my guess is that sometimes when things are going REALLY, REALLY good I feel like it’s just too good to be true and prepare for the bottom to fall out.  A lie from the king of lies, I know and I don’t always get sucked in quite so deeply and yet this time I did.  A good night’s sleep +  prayer before sleep=refreshed.  I’ll take it.

Today was our final weigh in and measurements for our contest and Saturday is the award ceremony.  I am “officially” down 6 pounds and 7 inches in 5 weeks.  A great jump-start to my summer!  Thursday we do assessments on exercises to see how much strength we’ve gained, etc….just a real encouraging way to end up the contest.  I’ll keep you posted!!

Alrighty, my cat is being the neighborhood bully so I need to drag his furry self in the house so I don’t have to hear cat fights all night.  Sigh.  The problems with taking in a stray cat is you just can’t really get the “outside” desire out of him.  It’s all good, he knows where the good food and comfy sleeping spots are!

Until tomorrow….probably!

Beach workout Saturday

Saturday morning, bright and early!!  Enjoying a few quiet minutes until I wake up the big boy–he’s getting some volunteer hours in at the Church Thrift Shop before a day filled with skateboarding with his buddies.  Hubs is off to his Saturday morning meeting and Adoration and all the kiddos are still snug like a bug in their beds.  I will be off to my last workout class for the contest.  This morning it’s at the beach!!!  Don’t hate!


A little update on the contest and such.  First of all, the 6 week contest was actually a 4 1/2 week contest when it comes right down to it….buuuuuuuuut……at last count I was down 6 pounds.  I didn’t weigh in last weekend and I’ll hold off today since we have our official last weigh-in on Tuesday.  HOWEVER…..on a measurement scale, I am definitely down.  Clothes are feeling better and I’m creeping seriously close to the next size down…from a 10/12 to a 10.  Not to mention, I’m seeing a little more muscle definition and having more energy.  Win-win!

The 3 key things that have brought me the biggest results have also been my biggest struggles this past week:

  1. Planning and prepping meals.  I work full-time out of the home  pre-cooking on the weekend is huge.  I enjoy cooking, however, sometimes I really don’t want to be in the kitchen for a couple of hours on my precious free time on the weekend.  The truth is, without that prep and planning, it’s challenging to stay on task and not get tempted throughout the week.
  2. Writing down what I’m eating.  I’ve been using the app “My Fitness Pal” and it works great.  Only downside?  We have a pretty strict no cell phone use at work which they’ve suddenly decided to enforce and so logging has become more of a challenge.  I guess I need to just jot it down throughout the day and log in later.
  3. Planning exercise.  It’s May.  I may have mentioned that the other day…..crazy, crazy, craziest month of the year. All the more important to plan it and DO IT.  For me, that will mean getting my rump out of bed in the a.m. because aside from these classes at night, it just doesn’t happen once I get home from work.

And so, with the contest almost over and a good jumpstart for me….I’m ready to keep on keepin’ on because it is bathing suit season, people and there is no hiding from it.

I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this past month and look forward to seeing my overall results.  Our contest’s presentation to the winner is the next weekend so I’ll keep you posted on the final results for everyone!

Have a great weekend!!

Five Favorites…

Last week was fun for me, so I say…do it again!!!  Joining in the Baby-Mooning Mama, Hallie @ Moxie Wife for 5 Favorites

This is week 3 for me in my Clean Eating/ Paleo / no processed crap.  Basically, I’ve not had bread (unless you count Ezekiel bread–of which I’ve had 4 slices in 3 weeks); no snacks/sweets/candy/soda/chocolate (unless you count chocolate protein powder in a smoothie and 6 chocolate chips in a spoonful of almond butter).  I’m here to tell you….holy cow, I’m surviving!!!!  I have energy!!!!  I’ve lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks!!!!  I mentioned a few things last Friday and here’s a few more…..5 to be exact:

  1. Hard boiled eggs.  Mix in some baking soda into the water to make for easier peeling.  Great snack!!!!imgres
  2. Avocado.  Mix it in my eggs.  Mix it in my smoothie.  Mix it in my salad.  One avocado goes a long way!!imgres-1
  3. MyFitnessPal.  I’m actually logging my food and exercise in aaaaaaaand it can be done on the phone or the ‘puter.  Snap!! (now you know my user name if you want to follow/join/encourage)Screen shot 2013-04-23 at 9.28.16 PM
  4. Paleomg.com    I’m getting so many great recipes off this site and my family even loves them.  FOR THE WIN!!!!
  5. Clean Eating magazine and website.  Another great resource for family friendly recipes.  If I can’t get them on board this isn’t going to work and I refuse to be a short order cook making separate dinners for them and myself.  Nope.

There it is.  5 quick and easy things I am loving these past few weeks, let’s hope I keep loving them!!!!  Have some good clean eating tips???  Bring it!!!

Now go check out Hallie and all the favorites!!