Tag Archives: change

Buh bye Facebook. For now anyway…


For the last couple of Lent seasons I have given up Facebook and it is a glorious 37 days.  (it takes a few days to shake the habit and then I’m good).  This year, when I signed back on Facebook was different.  Not so much the layout but the content.  People are posting videos, news reports, Pinterest recipes, ecards and there are Advertisements and countless game requests.  I’m not saying all that is bad, however, where are the pictures, my people?!?!??!  I’m in it for the updates.  Tell me you are drowning in back to school supply lists, basking at the beach, meeting friends for a run and post pictures….THAT is what I want.  I have YouTube for videos, Pinterest to feed my inner Martha Stewart, CNN, National Catholic Register and The Weather Channel for my news feed, and WordsWithFriends to satisfy my gamer needs—Candy Crush and all that nonsense just infuriates me.    It’s overload.  I come away more often than not, anxious and frustrated; I mean, when I start “hiding” family members due to ridiculous ranting….it’s a problem.   All I really want is to see my family and friends enjoying life, pics of their growing-way-too-fast kids and some silliness.  So, I’m deleting my account and removing it from my phone.  I might reactivate it now and then, however, something tells me once I’m over the first few days it will be more less than often….



In the meantime, I plan on picking up the pace with phone calls, emails, texts, heck…even snail mail and IN REAL LIFE conversations to keep up with friends and family.  Crazy, right?  Probably.  So, if you’ve got my number, call me.  Maybe.

She let go

NO!!!  Stop looking at prom dresses and bridesmaid gowns!!

NO!!! Stop looking at prom dresses and bridesmaid gowns!!

It’s the end-of-the-year craziness and the other night we had to drop our baby (4th grader) off at her teacher’s house for a class party—-she is THE coolest teacher!!  Walking up to the group gathered on the front lawn and to say a “howdy” prior to making a break for the band concert with our 7th grader, I subconsciously put my hand out for our little girl to hold on to…which she did….and then——she let go.  She.  Let.  Go.  WHAT?!?!?!?  THE?!?!??!!  WHAT?!?!!?!?  I’m still reeling from this.  This girl-child.  Our baby.  Is my shadow, my velcro-baby, the youngest, the diva, the high-maintenance, quality time, physical touch, child.  And sometimes I just don’t want to be touched.  Sometimes I need my space.  Now.  I’m thinking I may have gotten my wish as she crosses over to the too-cool-to-hold-hands-with-my-mom age.  I’m dying inside.  Dying, I tell you.

Beach workout Saturday

Saturday morning, bright and early!!  Enjoying a few quiet minutes until I wake up the big boy–he’s getting some volunteer hours in at the Church Thrift Shop before a day filled with skateboarding with his buddies.  Hubs is off to his Saturday morning meeting and Adoration and all the kiddos are still snug like a bug in their beds.  I will be off to my last workout class for the contest.  This morning it’s at the beach!!!  Don’t hate!


A little update on the contest and such.  First of all, the 6 week contest was actually a 4 1/2 week contest when it comes right down to it….buuuuuuuuut……at last count I was down 6 pounds.  I didn’t weigh in last weekend and I’ll hold off today since we have our official last weigh-in on Tuesday.  HOWEVER…..on a measurement scale, I am definitely down.  Clothes are feeling better and I’m creeping seriously close to the next size down…from a 10/12 to a 10.  Not to mention, I’m seeing a little more muscle definition and having more energy.  Win-win!

The 3 key things that have brought me the biggest results have also been my biggest struggles this past week:

  1. Planning and prepping meals.  I work full-time out of the home  pre-cooking on the weekend is huge.  I enjoy cooking, however, sometimes I really don’t want to be in the kitchen for a couple of hours on my precious free time on the weekend.  The truth is, without that prep and planning, it’s challenging to stay on task and not get tempted throughout the week.
  2. Writing down what I’m eating.  I’ve been using the app “My Fitness Pal” and it works great.  Only downside?  We have a pretty strict no cell phone use at work which they’ve suddenly decided to enforce and so logging has become more of a challenge.  I guess I need to just jot it down throughout the day and log in later.
  3. Planning exercise.  It’s May.  I may have mentioned that the other day…..crazy, crazy, craziest month of the year. All the more important to plan it and DO IT.  For me, that will mean getting my rump out of bed in the a.m. because aside from these classes at night, it just doesn’t happen once I get home from work.

And so, with the contest almost over and a good jumpstart for me….I’m ready to keep on keepin’ on because it is bathing suit season, people and there is no hiding from it.

I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this past month and look forward to seeing my overall results.  Our contest’s presentation to the winner is the next weekend so I’ll keep you posted on the final results for everyone!

Have a great weekend!!

It takes a village, even for grown-ups!

It’s been an interesting week and in light of Sede Vacante (no Pope at the moment, in case you missed any/all of the news), it’s a somber time as we wait on the conclave to decide our next Pope.  Historical.  Fascinating.  In light of this transitional time, I thought I’d do my version of 7QTs with Jen and throngs a little differently and offer up some inspiration I’ve come across the blogosphere this week. Be motivated.  Be inspired. Enjoy.

1.  No one knows what the next minute holds — but you let ourselves be moved into it anyways. Because somewhere inside of you, you know Someone holds it.

Ann Voskamp “When you are tired of worrying”

2.  Sometimes you just need a plan….

1) shaken, lea prays. i go to God for help…​

2) let God take care of His part. look at Him. not at the enemy.

3) my job is obedience. the battle is the Lord’s.​

4) praise and worship Him. walk by faith in His promises not by sight. ​

Lea “I didn’t think I needed this book”
3.  :: REMEMBER TO LOVE THESE LITTLE SOULS..just LOVE them .  I can not fix all of everything about them…I can not be perfect and complete for all of them at all the same time…but I can have LOVE for them and show that in ALL that I do for them and around them…

The Little House that Grew

4.  Sometimes we need reminders on making it through the day…during Lent


Every time a child interrupts you today, stop what you are doing and look into his eyes as he talks.


“My sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they follow me.” (John 10:27)


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)

Elizabeth Foss   Fast.  Pray.  Give.  

5.  There is a fine line between celebrating your gift, using it for the glory of God, and practicing humility.

Katherine “Finding your Gift”

6.  And of course, Pinterest/Tumblr..


7.  And this one, just warmed my heart, through and through.  What an awesome experience, truly awesome!  Can you imagine?  I don’t know if I could wash my child’s forehead again!!!!

‘When I see you, I see the Church is alive.’
-Pope Benedict XVI

Most blessed baby...EVAH!!!!!!

Most blessed baby…EVAH!!!!!!

Mama Needs Coffee (Image cred and you really have to go read her posts on Papa Bene’s Popemobile exit….Really.  go.  NOW.  go.  HERE!!!!)

How to Fight the Fat and WIN!

Re-blogged from Bonnie Pfiester at pfitblog, this article helps to describe our different personalities in regards to how we exercise and make strides towards our goals.  I’ll tell you that I am a dancer, (working out but not QUITE pushing myself into the uncomfortable zone) and a spectator, (I can tell myself AND everyone else what to do, just not exactly following through myself).  In this quest to get through the rest of this year focused on treating this body of mine as God intended, finding balance in the chaos and reaching toward my health goals one day at a time; I’ll step toward “fighter” status with every healthy choice I make.

Phillippians 4:13  

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

How to Fight the Fat and WIN!.