Tag Archives: exercise

Taste of Tuesday

Day 3 of the marathon that is 7 days in a row of blogging with the masses……

Having missed my spin class (on purpose) to enjoy some sleep due to going to bed too late on Monday night…details, details…..I packed my gym bag for a lunch time workout.  Woot.  Woot.  Then work happened.  Schedule, schmedule…c’mon in when you want, people and bring some friends.  And so lunch went RIGHT out the window along with my gym bag.  Good new is, it’s packed for today!  #winning  #tryagaintoday

My thoughts have been on Lent and preparation in hopes of getting the most out of Lent and suddenly I realized that the aspirations I was leaning toward were quickly becoming full-time job numero dos and was shaping up to be the big Lenten #fail, so I am now re-evaluating.  I know I’m not alone here, we do this during Advent, Lent, life.  Overthink.  Overplan.  Think beyond reality and leave little room for life and then end up all disappointed and angry and resentful.  So THIS Lent is going to be simple.  Thoughtful.  Prayerful.  Mindful.  The details are still being worked out, but I am embracing KISS…you know Keeping it Simple, Silly.

What are your Lenten plans?

7QTs, Blog Challenge version


It’s Friday people and not ONLY is it my FAVORITE day of the week….seriously….favorite!!!  It’s also 7Quick Takes link up with JEN ANNNNNNNNND day 5 of the blog for 7 days challenge with JEN.  It’s been a good week of blogging, I mean hey, my daily views are up to at least 20 average everyday….don’t hate….it’s also forcing me to sit down and blog…short and sweet or not, the point is to blog!  Here’s my weekly wrapup:

  1. Leaving in a few minutes to get my workout on.  My rear end is still sore from Wednesday so hoping for limited lunges and squats.  **update:  watch what you wish for, we used the TRX and hit the WHOLE bod, especially arms.  My forearms are dead…typing will be a problem today.  OY.  
  2. Family rosary last night.  Perfect?  Nay.  Not even close.  Improvement?  Vast.  Continue?  But of course!!
  3. Hubs and our youngest boy are planning on kayaking this evening.  Hoping the afternoon thunderstorms cooperate and allow this quality time activity/male bonding time.
  4. Oldest boy and myself are heading on a little road trip to our old town tomorrow for a surprise birthday party for my dear friend’s 16-year-old son.  I’ve promised him driving time ON THE INTERSTATE, Starbucks, a trip to the Vans store for school shoes and Old Navy to finish up his school shopping for pants.  After all, he IS giving up 2 WHOLE  days of skateboarding…..
  5. I napped before dinner yesterday.  30 minutes.  Rest/nap.  GLORIOUS.  Can’t even tell you the difference it made in my evening.  Uninterrupted recharging after a day at work before starting evening activities  Highly recommend it!
  6. Started re-logging my food for the day.  <smh> the hardest thing about me eating healthy and exercising is the diet portion.  Not BEING on a diet…just PLANNING the meals and LOGGING the intake.  When I am consistent in these things, along with my exercise….success.  Why?  Is?  It?  So?  Hard?????  **on the upside, one of my friends from the gym has been my tracking accountability partner and is down 5 pounds….now my competitive juices are flowing!!
  7. Finished up my 5th Ginger Garrett book in 3 weeks and started Mere Christianity last night.  This should have been linked to Cari and Jessica for “What we are reading Wednesdays” but….better late than never?!

Have a great weekend.  I’m off to sweat!!  Now to shower and get the ball rolling for FRIDAY!!!  Happy Weekend and keep those blogs rolling!

Beach workout Saturday

Saturday morning, bright and early!!  Enjoying a few quiet minutes until I wake up the big boy–he’s getting some volunteer hours in at the Church Thrift Shop before a day filled with skateboarding with his buddies.  Hubs is off to his Saturday morning meeting and Adoration and all the kiddos are still snug like a bug in their beds.  I will be off to my last workout class for the contest.  This morning it’s at the beach!!!  Don’t hate!


A little update on the contest and such.  First of all, the 6 week contest was actually a 4 1/2 week contest when it comes right down to it….buuuuuuuuut……at last count I was down 6 pounds.  I didn’t weigh in last weekend and I’ll hold off today since we have our official last weigh-in on Tuesday.  HOWEVER…..on a measurement scale, I am definitely down.  Clothes are feeling better and I’m creeping seriously close to the next size down…from a 10/12 to a 10.  Not to mention, I’m seeing a little more muscle definition and having more energy.  Win-win!

The 3 key things that have brought me the biggest results have also been my biggest struggles this past week:

  1. Planning and prepping meals.  I work full-time out of the home  pre-cooking on the weekend is huge.  I enjoy cooking, however, sometimes I really don’t want to be in the kitchen for a couple of hours on my precious free time on the weekend.  The truth is, without that prep and planning, it’s challenging to stay on task and not get tempted throughout the week.
  2. Writing down what I’m eating.  I’ve been using the app “My Fitness Pal” and it works great.  Only downside?  We have a pretty strict no cell phone use at work which they’ve suddenly decided to enforce and so logging has become more of a challenge.  I guess I need to just jot it down throughout the day and log in later.
  3. Planning exercise.  It’s May.  I may have mentioned that the other day…..crazy, crazy, craziest month of the year. All the more important to plan it and DO IT.  For me, that will mean getting my rump out of bed in the a.m. because aside from these classes at night, it just doesn’t happen once I get home from work.

And so, with the contest almost over and a good jumpstart for me….I’m ready to keep on keepin’ on because it is bathing suit season, people and there is no hiding from it.

I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this past month and look forward to seeing my overall results.  Our contest’s presentation to the winner is the next weekend so I’ll keep you posted on the final results for everyone!

Have a great weekend!!

Fasty Friday and Favorites…

not fasty as in fasting, but more like quick..you know?  Fasty.  Or you can just say Quick Takes and 5 Favorites combo’d.  QTs is over @ CampPatton again this week because new Mama Jen FINALLY GOT TO TAKE THE BABY HOME FROM THE NICU!!!  Awesome news in this week of ickiness.  Superb, in fact.  AND……in a bid to bring joyful and useful news among the rough news week, I am ALSO joining in with Hallie and her 5 Favorite Things link up….but mine will have 7-ish.  A two-fer if you will.  It’s always fun to see what people are up to during the week and I’ve been enjoying the  5 faves and seeing what folks around the internets consider their favorite products and such.  Go check ’em ALL out!!

It’s a clean eating theme.

This week marks the end of my 2nd week of eating clean.  It’s not a hard and fast “Clean” and/or Paleo, but a bit of a combined, best-of-both worlds and guess what???  It’s totally working.  Of course, the fact that I have planned out our meals and have made sure to have adequate food for my eating purposes has certainly helped….but, I think this is something that I could totes live with.  Now, that said, I’m heading into week 3 which is where I have generally sputtered and run out of motivation in the past, so pray for me and feel free to send on some encouragement, etc, etc!  Ok, ok, here’s my 7:

  1. Adoration.  I’ve been TWICE this week.  I love  Adoration.  Peace.  Quiet. Prayers.  In light of all the tragedy this week in Boston and Texas amongst other family and friend urgent prayer needs, it was a welcome respite in which I highly recommend.
  2. Pat Gohn.  Love her podcast.  And she has a new book out, “Blessed, Beautiful and Bodacious!” which is on my night stand in the next-to-read position.  This week she interviewed Mary Wallace and they talked of working moms OUTSIDE the home and incorporating your faith life in your work life.  It was a stellar podcast and has encouraged me to begin a “Positivity Project” .  Without going into detail, I’ll just say office morale is totally in the toilet…BUT Mary and Pat encouraged me to “be the change”.  Every person can make small efforts to turn the tide even if those who should be setting the example don’t.  I started yesterday with Gandhi’s quote, “Be the change you want to see in the world”.  I’d like to see a lot less whining, griping and people just doing their job and helping others…..
  3. Pre-cooked food.  Eating Clean-eo has been much easier with cooking up some roasted veggies and hard-boiled eggs on the weekend for some ease in putting together lunches and snacks for me for the week.  However, I’ll just say that I’ve now given brussel sprouts THREE separate tries and they really are not good.  I ate them.  They weren’t horrible.  However, I won’t be eating them again.
  4. Pre-planned meals.  Meal planning for the week just helps me stay focused.  No guess-work in the morning on what to take out, no fumbling after work for what we’ll eat.  It’s just working for me.  Winning.
  5. Almond milk.  Since I’ve cut out dairy, this is my substitute for my coffee additive in the a.m. and my smoothie base after workout.  No dairy.  No gluten.  Tasty.
  6. Spin bike and burpees.  Actually, I hate them both.  However, to get my cardio in on non-workout days the spin bike fits the bill and when I break it up into 5-8 minute sessions with a set of 10 Burpees in between it goes much quicker.  Not to mention I am sweating like a sweaty person when I’m done.
  7. Choco-cado smoothie.  Before you get all EWWWW, sounds gross on me….let me just say….it is so delicious I thought I was cheating.   The fact I’ve had no sugar and/or processed stuff for twoweeks probably increased the yum factor, but seriously…..DELISH!!!!  I’m including the link on the pic credit, but here’s MY version:  8 oz Almond Milk, 1 frozen banana (go ahead and peel that BEFORE you freeze it so you don’t have to nuke it to get the peel off…ask me how I know this.)  1 giant handful of spinach.  1/4 of a avocado.  1 scoop of chocolate protein powder.  Blend and enjoy.  You are welcome.

Now go check out all the other people and their QTs and Faves…Happy Weekend!!

Quick Takes…quickly….

I’ve been MIA for the last few Fridays with various activities and blah, blah, blah, but I’m here for this one….super quick…I hope….otherwise go visit Jen @ Conversion Diary for a look at a Domestic Monastery and various Quick Takes from all over the world!

1)  Heading into Advent and the holiday pace is picking up quickly….small moments of panic and overload, making “quiet time” even more important=less blogging. for me.

2)  With the Christmas season of shopping, parties, baking, etc. I decided that I need to work in exercise DAILY and really focus on what I’m eating so I can keep it in check and not head into 2013 one size larger…however, this weekend IS baking for my annual cookie swap.  Hey, balance, balance, balance!

3)  My cardio=P90X and walking, however…..before you think I’m psycho cray  with P90…let me assure you, I call it my “20 minutes with Tony”..I work up a good glisten, I’m sore for  a few days and I haven’t stressed myself over how to fit it in…maybe I’ll graduate past 20 minutes eventually; at this time, 20 minutes is working for me and I’m good with that!

4)  Oatmeal, raisins and flax seed for breakfast and chicken and spinach for lunch…a little boring and repetitious, however, tasty and both seem to keep me pretty full and satisfied keeping the Oreo intake WAAAAAAY down.

5)  Sick kid (again??!! thought she kicked this 2 weeks ago!!) and Hubby’s back is out—tho’ slowly getting better, therefore  the boys will be on Attic duty and ladder duty for operation Christmas decoration this weekend, bring on the lights!!

6)  Christmas cards are mailed out which means I can mentally begin shopping and decorating and enjoying Christmas…I don’t know, OCD?!?!  I just can’t do anything until they are sent out.  Period.  End.

7)  Santa’s in the house….our youngest just handed me her letter to review and it melted my heart.  We can safely resume Friefel…our elf on the shelf.

I’m out.  It’s late.  I’ve got a date with Tony before work….y’all have a great weekend!!