Tag Archives: Beach

#WIWS, blue eyeliner and more….

Joining up with the lovelies at Fine Linen and Purple for a little Mass-wear edition and some Sunday Funday pics.

And so sadly, I don’t have a full shot of my dress, mostly because I thought I had blogged it and was going to steal it from a previous post and yet…..not so much, but I’ll give you what I got!

My super cute-knee-length scoop neck  and black cardi from Kohl's.

My super cute-knee-length scoop neck and black cardi from Kohl’s.

Fave necklace, fun ring and BOOM blue eyeliner...b/c I couldn't find my brown.

Fave necklace, fun ring and BOOM blue eyeliner…b/c I couldn’t find my brown.

Then we had some World Cup and birthday thank yous going on

Then we had some World Cup and birthday thank yous going on and mango salsa making for fish dinner

then we had some of this going on, b/c great waves for jumping over and under and well worth the itty raspberry on my knee from a poorly caught wave

then we had some of this going on, b/c great waves for jumping over and under and well worth the itty raspberry on my knee from a poorly caught wave

Some lovely snapdragons from our Trader Joe's trip..and some yumminess

Some lovely snapdragons from our Trader Joe’s trip..and some yumminess

lastly.....the 44 yo eyes were kicking in this morning, thankfully better by the afternoon.  OY.

lastly…..the 44 yo eyes were kicking in this morning, thankfully better by the afternoon. OY.

7 and splendid!!!

7 days of blogging…DONE!  Thanks for the fun, Jen!

This weekend is a perfect reason why people move to Florida.  Just spectacular!!!  My genuine apologies to those of you still surrounded by snow, mush, more snow to come, hopefully you’ll enjoy a little glimpse of spring/summer here and perhaps….PERHAPS…..it might be enough to propel you through.


Honestly, though….I don’t know how you do it.  Hubby would love to move to New Hampshire in a hot second…me?  I’d love to visit and would even consider a “2nd home” (LOL)…but live?  No.  Can’t do it.  Listen, it’s already pretty consecutively in the 70s here and I put the flannel sheets and fleece blanket on under the heavy comforter.


Again.  Thin blood.  I’d die.  OK, enough bellyaching.

Off to the produce store before I pick up the girls from their Religious Ed classes…no dillydallying!!

A brief message from our Homily this morning from our priest…”God loves us for WHO we are to Him, not what we do.”  Stuck with me.  Sticking with me.

And the ever-present always-hopeful-reminder:

Matthew 6:34  

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.
Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”

Happy Sunday!

Spring fever Saturday

Day 6 of the blog-o-thon and SATURDAY.  Not to make anyone feel bad, but oh MY word!!!!!  The weather is stunning already and it’s only 7:20 a.m.

The life of a parent:  so funny…we had all 4 kids OUT of the house last night at once, which is unheard of. However…….as life would have it…..the times overlapped a bit and by the time we had the youngest dropped off at the skate rink, the tax guy showed up an hour earlier than anticipated, as he was finishing up our youngest son made it home.  The great news is that we were still able to sit and enjoy the 2nd to last episode of Downton in peace!!  And the taxes are done.  Not to mention we had leftovers, so I didn’t have to cook.  Overall:  GREAT night and no complaints!

Alleged to creep to almost 80 degrees today and we have a bike ride on the beach planned for the afternoon!!

Stole this from a friend who was at the beach the other day!!

Stole this from a friend who was at the beach the other day!!

Until then, though…..I must pay the bills and get the grocery list ready to tackle the “must-dos” before the “fun-dos”.

Happy Saturday!!!

Back to school. Halt! Not yet!!


Back to school is coming quickly.  For the kids it means earlier bed times, earlier wake times, scheduled days, band practice, cheer practice, homework.

But….we have 3 more weeks.  In that time we’ll* finish school shopping, stay up late, sleep in, enjoy the lazy days, soak up the sun and fun of summer.  So go eat ice cream, play in the sprinkler, and take naps.  Summer is still on.

*we refers to the kids.  Madre and Padre have no summer and yet….it’s still lazy and awesome!


Yes, that is a baby shark in my baby’s hands. *2 summers ago, I just moved all my photos onto external hard drive


Sand castles never really get old….*also 2 years ago


This view never gets old either!

Weekend SURPRISE!!

My nephews are big ole baseball players.  You know the travel team, All-star team, any team you can put together and they’re IN!  My brother in law loves the game and coaches and my sister loves the game and brings the cheers.  This past weekend they had a travel game tourney of several days long scheduled, sadly, it superceded our July 4th plans.  And then……the baseball mojo just wasn’t clicking and they lost and were done.  Early.  Days early.  What do my sister and her hubs do?  They drive south, of course!  Surprising me at work and stayed with us the weekend.  Super fun.  Super spontaneous.  Super idea.  Props to my brother in law for the great idea.

Sister love!

Sister love!

Dinner out Friday night (gift certificate from Christmas FINALLY put to good use!), beach day, ice cream, fishing and enjoying each other’s company.  Good for the soul!


Cousins….yeah, YOU get a good picture of all of them!


Weekend collage!