Tag Archives: growing up

She let go

NO!!!  Stop looking at prom dresses and bridesmaid gowns!!

NO!!! Stop looking at prom dresses and bridesmaid gowns!!

It’s the end-of-the-year craziness and the other night we had to drop our baby (4th grader) off at her teacher’s house for a class party—-she is THE coolest teacher!!  Walking up to the group gathered on the front lawn and to say a “howdy” prior to making a break for the band concert with our 7th grader, I subconsciously put my hand out for our little girl to hold on to…which she did….and then——she let go.  She.  Let.  Go.  WHAT?!?!?!?  THE?!?!??!!  WHAT?!?!!?!?  I’m still reeling from this.  This girl-child.  Our baby.  Is my shadow, my velcro-baby, the youngest, the diva, the high-maintenance, quality time, physical touch, child.  And sometimes I just don’t want to be touched.  Sometimes I need my space.  Now.  I’m thinking I may have gotten my wish as she crosses over to the too-cool-to-hold-hands-with-my-mom age.  I’m dying inside.  Dying, I tell you.

New Driver…Y’all pray for us!!

Last week I missed the Quick Takes with Jen and the ALMOST 200 HUNDRED people who link up with her @ Conversion Diary…so if you got some time honey….get on over and check ’em out!  Without further adieu….here’s MY wrap up:

  • Sunday I joined in at Fine Linen and Purple for a fashion show of Church-lady (and men) clothes on REAL PEOPLE!  It was so fun, I’ve really enjoyed seeing what people where, how they accessorize, and most of all….WHERE they get their digs.  It’s so girly and holy canoli….my biggest traffic EVAHH from it.  Cray, cray….almost bringing me to 100 followers.  Cool.
  • Our oldest son got his learner’s permit two weeks ago and the kid is ALL about it. Dad is the more patient driving instructor meanwhile mom feels new grey hairs sprouting ever time he gets behind the wheel and I’ve learned a few new things.
  • Apparently no…there is NOT a brake on the passenger side floorboard in our vehicle.  I can’t seem to remember this when I ride with him.  Every time.  We probably WILL have a hole there shortly, so maybe we can put a brake in then.
  • Screaming “STOP” is counter productive.  I realized this the first time, now I just crescendo up…”you want to let up on the gas and start slowing down now….yes, start slowing down….slow down.  slow.  down.  …brake….Brake..BRake…yes.  NOW.  Good job, next time let’s not climb up in their trunk business, K?  K.”
  • The door handle seconds as a security blanket and with repeated kneading is beginning to bear my clawmarks handprints nicely.
  • The St. Michael prayer has become a new addition in our repetoire:                        Saint Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in battle.
    Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
    and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
    by the Divine Power of God –
    cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
    who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

  • Having a kid who drives makes me THAT much older.  THAT’s the hard pill to swallow.  Indeed.

Off to curl in a ball and suck my thumb.  Have a great weekend and be sure to visit Jen!!

sniff, sniff…my baby is growing up!

18 years and we still got it!!

18 years ago, my 24-year-old self became a June bride.  My husband would turn 25 on our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic.  It was the “Year of the Wedding”…not just ours but with many of our friends getting married as well.  We joked we belonged to the Wedding of the Month Club.  It was a fun time.  Expensive, I’m certain, but at 24 who really dwells on that?  I certainly don’t remember losing any sleep over it.  For our own wedding, my girlfriend and I attended a bridal show and I won the GRAND PRIZE as we were leaving.  It consisted of a wedding gown, tux rentals, limo rental, wedding cake, hotel room, flowers and a bunch of other stuff.  All I know is…… SCORE!!!  (and boy were my parents happy!)

Fast forward 18 years, 4 kids, 1 townhouse, 3 houses, 2 dogs and 1 cat later.  We are but a glimpse of the smiling young couple you see above.  Not in a bad way.  In a roll-with-life way.  Kids change you.    Growing up changes you (NOW finances can cause you to lose sleep!).  Jobs change you.  Life changes you.  For us, I am happy to say that we still enjoy each other’s company.  We still laugh.  We still fight.  We still love.  So much has changed and yet, most days, in my heart, I still feel like the bright and happy 24-year-old.

Anyone that’s married can tell you, it’s not easy.  And either no one tells you that before you get married or you choose not to hear it from those cynical old biddies.  After you’ve been married awhile you see the humor in the jokes and understand what those people were trying to tell you.  It’s worth it though.  A marriage requires an effort.  A marriage requires TWO people to be engaged.  If you are in it for the long haul, be sure to pack some humor, compromise, forgiveness, hope, dreams and lots of love.

It’s been quite the ride and I’m looking forward to the rest of it…achy bones, graying hair and all!!

1 Corinthians 13:13

13 But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the [a]greatest of these is love.

40 and FABULOUS!!!

Today is my little sister’s 40th birthday!!!  Sounds “Old”.  My kids tell us it’s “Old”.  I’m pretty sure we are still the same two goofballs laughing over Brady Bunch and Peter’s “Pork shops and applesawce...”.  Neither of us can make or eat that dish without saying it just like Peter!  That’s swell!!

Here’s a few pics of my sis growing up!

What a little cutie!!!

She always did love animals.  Still does.  They have a revolving door of pets now!

Man.  Look how long our hair WAS!!!  Sis is on the right 🙂


Visiting me at my apartment Halloween in the 90’s….

Graduating high school!  Phew!  LOL!

All grown up!  Hot mama in her short hair, black dress.  She’s an awesome mama of 2 sweet boys.  Paralegal.  Definitely the fun aunt and the awesome sister!!

Happy birthday, Tam!  We love you!!!