Tag Archives: Pope Benedict

It takes a village, even for grown-ups!

It’s been an interesting week and in light of Sede Vacante (no Pope at the moment, in case you missed any/all of the news), it’s a somber time as we wait on the conclave to decide our next Pope.  Historical.  Fascinating.  In light of this transitional time, I thought I’d do my version of 7QTs with Jen and throngs a little differently and offer up some inspiration I’ve come across the blogosphere this week. Be motivated.  Be inspired. Enjoy.

1.  No one knows what the next minute holds — but you let ourselves be moved into it anyways. Because somewhere inside of you, you know Someone holds it.

Ann Voskamp “When you are tired of worrying”

2.  Sometimes you just need a plan….

1) shaken, lea prays. i go to God for help…​

2) let God take care of His part. look at Him. not at the enemy.

3) my job is obedience. the battle is the Lord’s.​

4) praise and worship Him. walk by faith in His promises not by sight. ​

Lea “I didn’t think I needed this book”
3.  :: REMEMBER TO LOVE THESE LITTLE SOULS..just LOVE them .  I can not fix all of everything about them…I can not be perfect and complete for all of them at all the same time…but I can have LOVE for them and show that in ALL that I do for them and around them…

The Little House that Grew

4.  Sometimes we need reminders on making it through the day…during Lent


Every time a child interrupts you today, stop what you are doing and look into his eyes as he talks.


“My sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they follow me.” (John 10:27)


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)

Elizabeth Foss   Fast.  Pray.  Give.  

5.  There is a fine line between celebrating your gift, using it for the glory of God, and practicing humility.

Katherine “Finding your Gift”

6.  And of course, Pinterest/Tumblr..


7.  And this one, just warmed my heart, through and through.  What an awesome experience, truly awesome!  Can you imagine?  I don’t know if I could wash my child’s forehead again!!!!

‘When I see you, I see the Church is alive.’
-Pope Benedict XVI

Most blessed baby...EVAH!!!!!!

Most blessed baby…EVAH!!!!!!

Mama Needs Coffee (Image cred and you really have to go read her posts on Papa Bene’s Popemobile exit….Really.  go.  NOW.  go.  HERE!!!!)